February 27, 2010

Loving America

We arrived from our "Spring City" in China to clouds and freezing temperatures in Mississippi. When the sun finally came out after a week, it made all the difference in the world. I didn't realize the lack of sunshine was weighing on me until that day when the sun actually came out. It was like a regeneration!

We stayed for a while where there was satellite TV, and the kids were mesmerized by it. I was at times as well, and we just sat and stared at it. Not that we didn't have a TV in China, but we never had such a selection of things to watch. It wasn't long, however, before enough was enough!

Food has been a real treat. After doing our grocery shopping, we have our cabinets full of snack food- things we can't get in China. I find that even when I am not really hungry, I am drawn to these foods just because we have them now!

We are again enjoying the great friends and families we have here, and are thankful for them all.

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